Allgemein,  Bezirk I

Wir gratulieren…………… 

Die IGMK gratuliert den Vereinen, die im Bezirk 1 in der Kampagne 2024 herausragende Jubiläen feiern dürfen: 

Mainzer Carneval Club (MCC)            zu 125 Jahren 

Mainzer Narren Club     (MNC)            zu   75 Jahren 

Lörzweiler Carneval Club                    zu   75 Jahren 

Fanfarenzug „Die Lerchen“                 zu   50 Jahren 

und wünscht weiterhin viel „Spaß an de Freud“ an der Pflege unseres heimatlichen Brauchtums Fassenacht. 

Close-up of dried, cracked earth.

What’s the problem?

Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.

Close-up of dried, cracked earth.

What’s the problem?

Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.

Close-up of dried, cracked earth.

What’s the problem?

Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.

Close-up of dried, cracked earth.

What’s the problem?

Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.

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